Re: music theory and difficult transitions.

blah b b blah (
Thu, 08 Apr 1999 18:42:26 -0400 (EDT)

eh, as usual, Scottie's posts often provide a rare electronic highlight
to my otherwise meager, hackneyed day :)


"The written word is a power of such magnitude that only pedants would
try to reduce it to rules.  Or the French."


On Thu, 08 Apr 1999 08:33:25 +0100 Scottie Bowman <>
>    '... have i joined the wrong list?  this is the salinger 
>    discussion ring, correct?...'
>    No, cusackfilm, wrong.  This is Bananafish, a mailing
>    list intended for the discussion of the works of 
>    J.D.Salinger.  Unfortunately, those works are so 
>    meagre & the thoughts contained in them so hackneyed
>    that we'd all rather discuss anything BUT them.
>    Lunacy, pop music, Nabakov, the impending third
>    world war, my time in high school, God in his various
>    manifestations, ANYTHNG....
>    But, as ever.  Why don't YOU (preferably observing 
>    the usual conventions regarding upper case & punctuation- 
>    perhaps even letting us know your name while you're 
>    about it)lead us out of our morass with some original 
>    thoughts of your own?
>    Scottie B.

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