WILL HOCHMAN wrote: > I live relatively close to this tragedy...it's devastating to think our > schools are places where children get shot every week, Everyday when I drop off my son at junior high, I wonder if he will be there when I return to pick him up. I am all for abandoning guns--but now back to reality and all the "goddamn, stupid, moron, son-of -a bitch, dirty stupid moron [s]" in this world (Catcher)-- I think about that kid struggling to post that desperate note in the school window-- "Help me, I'm bleeding to death. . ." --but pipe bombs kept the police away until the child had indeed bled to death. I think about those boys who took off their shirts and covered a dying friend who said he was cold--how they stayed with him showing him pictures from his billfold to comfort him-- And all those parents with empty beds--empty arms-- No wonder so many of us retreat to Catcher--no wonder so many of us want to run away and live as deaf mutes in some cabin in Vermont. But we know what Holden learns--there is no place to hide. Jump out the window or Hold-on. -- M.E. Pierce Dept. of English, SFASU http://TITAN.SFASU.EDU/~f_pierceme/ "Are you a nobody too?" --The Belle ofAmherst