Re: Me and my macaroni

Catherine Marie (
Wed, 04 Aug 1999 10:21:53 -0700 (PDT)

> > unused degrees in philosophy on the wall, macaroni on the
> > stove,
>So that's what I have to look forward to with my philosophy degree? Good
>thing I"m majoring in biology too... although, since I'm not doing med
>school, I don't know what I'm going to do with bio anyway.
>Oh well, it's a good thing I like Mac and Cheese. Oh and when that gets
>too expensive, there's always Ramen...

No, no, no. I was mostly talking about my friend, who will probably become 
extremely capable in philosophy, but when the time comes to get a job in it, 
he will not be able to accept the idea of being a philosopher "by 
profession", to teach or to write in order to become published or even go 
into any related fields. Probably from the fear of being misinterpreted, but 
also because it really is his life, and I can just imagine him considering 
it simply too dishonest in someway, to get paid to do something relating to 
philosophy. Luckily, I think his parents are pushing him to do some biology 
in college also.


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