Jacques Derrida is, in a month or so's time, doing a speech (in a theatre that just last week was playing my own work, coincidentally) - he must like Australia as he turns up here every five years or so. Now, as Scottie would know I'm a reknown Francophile. However, when even a senior lecturere at Sydney University admits that a lot of Derrida is bollocks, *then* you have to start worrying. I never studied him myself, he has too much of a reputation for being downright impossible. I'll hedge my bets on Baudrillard, tho. And by the way, check out a site at http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/community/postmodern.html. It's a Postmodern Essay Generator. Scottie especially will get a kick out of this one (: Camille verona_beach@geocities.com Paul Kennedy wrote: > OK... If it's "You show me yours, and I'll show you mine...." > > I've read Lacan, Derridas (sp?) and Foucault.... (I had much more fun > reading the medieval scholastic idiots whom they most resemble in > intellectual history....) > > (I've also read MOST of Chomsky--and met him six or seven times.... And the > ONLY time he makes sense is when he's talking about REAL life.... IE the > books that DON'T get published in the US of A because they're deemed--by > that country's 'revolutionary' government--to be 'subversive'.....) > > Masturbation should ONLY be a last ditch defense! > > Cheers, > > Paul _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com