Re: Salinger's world
Thu, 12 Aug 1999 15:47:09 -0400 (EDT)

In a message dated 8/11/99 9:03:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< Any effective solution must involve building self-sustaining economies in
 the afflicted areas. For example, we might sell our BMWs, start a venture
 capital fund, and invest in a new luxury car company based in Somalia (and
 owned in part by Somalians). If the company takes off, we can all buy
 several Somalian luxury cars with the proceeds from our investment, which
 generates even more wealth for us and the Somalians. 
 -Sean >>

That would be a wonderful start.  But in countries like Somalia we need to 
get even more basic than that.  Food production.  Clean water.  Something 
approaching self-sustenance on the most basic level.

There are American capitalists working in third world countries doing this 
kind of thing right now, if that's any comfort.  
