Subject: Re: Advise
From: Matt Kozusko (
Date: Sun Jan 23 2000 - 16:43:19 EST
We're not exactly in the business of teaching grammar and spelling on
this list, but since teaching grammar and spelling is my only form of
income at the moment, I've developed a special fondness for it, and I
don't mind peddling it here.
If you're in AP English, Becky, I bet you're capable at least of
punctuating your writing. Spelling mistakes catch up with everyone,
and Grammatica's nearest temple is somewhere in the rec.arts. domain.
But surely, you can use the period, colon, apostrophe and "Shift"
Depends on how much you want that PhD in literature and writing.
-- Matt Kozusko - * Unsubscribing? Mail with the message * UNSUBSCRIBE BANANAFISH
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