Subject: RE: Logic deemed illogical! Area man protests.
From: Sean Draine (
Date: Sun Jan 09 2000 - 14:32:47 EST
"1 apple + 1 apple = 2 apples
1 raindrop + 1 raindrop = 1 raindrop
Oops. =)"
Oops, indeed! Being a resident of Seattle, I happen to know a thing or two
about raindrops. 1 raindrop + 1 raindrop = 2 raindrops. If you don't believe
me, come on over and count the ones on my window pane.
You're playing a sort of semantic 3-Card Monty with the '+' operator,
Steven, but your hand was not quite fast enough. With apples, your '+' means
addition. With raindrops, it seems to mean 'mixed with'. One of the rules is
that you have to pick a meaning and stick with it, I'm afraid. Otherwise,
the debate degenerates into a trivial dispute over definition of terms.
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