Good afternoon, folks--or whenever it happens to be wherever you happen to be. I've been watching the list for awhile, keeping up now and then, and now that my girlfriend has moved on campus and I'll only see her at night henceforth, I decided I may as well take a dip in the old bananafish pond. Some of you may, although probably don't, remember me: Brendan, the peculiar suburban boy who liked to write things in a much more grandiose fashion than his intelligence really calls for. For those of you who don't remember me, or never knew me in the first place, I joined bananafish around December of 1997, and quit at the beginning of this past summer, in order to lead a life far far away from the Internet. It was a successful romp in the real world; I got a few mosquito bites and a fine tan, but it's high time to return to the dank darkness of my study and hunch over my keyboard in a Salingerian fervor. It's good to be back, is what I'm trying to say. I can't determine whether I'll be here very long, or how often I'll be able to post, but just participating nominally in the list is a joy. So! I hope this post finds you well, and let's get to the bickering right off. -Brendan _______________________________________________________ Get your free, private email at