Someone please help !!!
Thu, 28 Jan 1999 20:55:38 -0500 (EST)

ok, you people really haven't heard anything from me yet, im sort of
new...well, yeah.....sorry im not very coherant right now..i got all of 4
hours of sleep last nite and 5 the nite before that...thats pretty
im just asking if any of you can help..for my american lit class, i was the
lucky one (im being serious) to get JD for my lovely literary analysis
research paper...6 whole pages...i can write sooo much on character analysis
and stuff like that..but my problem is figuring out a 3 part divided thesis
for a 6 page or so paper??? ive read catcher a good 3 or 4 times at
least...and i have about 10 pages front and back of quotes and little stuff i
have written down as notes i had to take for class....but would someone please
help me?? i dont want to write about soemthing about the book that doesnt
interest me, because i find overanalysis can kill a please help???
thanks bunches....sorry im so on my 6th cup of coffee tonite
cos i have so much homework...and all this for a high school
ridiculous...well, im off to write a speech and an ciao!
~Meredith =)