Re: salinger on radio

Subject: Re: salinger on radio
From: Suzanne Morine (
Date: Fri Jul 06 2001 - 21:03:19 GMT

At 05:20 PM 7/6/2001 -0400, Tim O'Connor wrote:
>Scottie: Aside from the hat contributed by Mrs. B., what else did you
>wear to convey "Holden-ness"? I am curious. I kind of envision an
>easy kind of preppy dress, not unlike just about the entire men's
>section of the L.L. Bean catalog! Chinos, slacks, button-down shirts,
>gentlemanly neckties, conservative blazers, conservative shoes. I'm
>curious about what people think when they imagine Holden's dress.

I'm not Scottie, but that's how I imagine him, but kind of in need of
laundering and ironing, except maybe when he gets the new shirt out for the


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