Re: archive...

Subject: Re: archive...
From: Cecilia Baader (
Date: Tue Jul 10 2001 - 23:19:51 GMT

--- Andy Norris <> wrote:
> How much of JDS' work is in electronic form, either legit or not? And
> where would one lurk to find it? Would love to have it all on my
> Palm pilot.


If it is a Salinger story and it is in electronic form, it is not legit.
 There are no exceptions.

Salinger's representatives have been rather merciless in their attempt
to end all illegal distribution of his stories (for a terrific
historical example, search on "The Holden Server"), and it makes me
rather uncomfortable to see this sort of request made so often on this
list. If the big dogs came to shut down the bananafish, I fear that it
wouldn't be something that we could fight.

Yes, I know that the 22 Stories are available electronically, as they
pop up from time to time on various websites, only to disappear weeks
later. What is important to note about that is that they DO disappear.

I'm unwilling to risk the safety of this list for such a thing. If you
want to read the stories, visit and find the
Underpublished stories page. Print it, and visit your local university
library. If the magazines in question are not available, most libraries
can get the microfilm on loan for you.

I know you didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition when you made your
query (and as a newer subscriber I don't expect you to know about all of
this), but I felt that it was in need of reiterating, even for those who
have been around for a while.

It's much more fun to hunt these stories down in dusty corridors than to
have them handed to you on an electronic silver platter, so to speak.
Think of it as a rite of passage, perhaps. Many bananafish can relate
amusing stories of their own Salinger treasure hunts. My favorite
happens to include a laughing Canadian with a penchant for smuggling.

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