Subject: Re: Teddy and Seymour
From: Mattis Fishman (
Date: Mon Jul 16 2001 - 14:53:21 GMT
Rob writes:
>Hey fish,
>Has the discussion about Teddy being Seymour reincarnated ever been brought
>up? It's a pretty good thought, but I don't know if we'll be able to pull
>enough "evidence" out of the work to support it.
Hello Rob,
Sure it's been brought up, but I hope that is not a reason for not giving
it a good shot. We've never heard what you have to say about it and perhaps
you have "evidence" that will be interesting, even compelling.
If you do want to think about it, perhaps you will also consider what
the implications of JDS doing this might be. Is it a clarification of
spiritual point of view which we want (or JDS wants) to attribute to
Seymour - it seems like the "tell" to APDFB's "show" - or as revisionist
view of the depressed suicide, or a reflection of Salinger's own then newly
acquired sensibilities, or whatever. How about how this young boy
is portrayed versus the young Seymour in Hapworth?
This might raise the question above that of where Watson took the old
Jezail bullet (of so much import to followers of Sherlock Holmes, of course
I follow Matt K.'s idea that there were two Watsons, but I digress).
Have fun,
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