Re: Digression of sorts . . .

Subject: Re: Digression of sorts . . .
From: Cecilia Baader (
Date: Tue Jul 17 2001 - 11:47:23 GMT

--- Suzanne Morine <> wrote:
> How would they do that? Would Aslan not die? Not rise from the dead?
> (The article doesn't say.)

I honestly cannot see how they can take that part out of the story.
There's so much Christian imagery that is firmly entrenched in what
happens that it's difficult to imagine how they might edit the book.
Perhaps Aslan would die, but in a less Jesus-like way? It's all
speculation, really.

> I think they shouldn't edit it but if they do, the book cover should
> be labelled "abridged," "edited," or whatever is appropriate. It's not
> that unusual, now that I think of it.

I'm certain they'd have to.

> Some of the rest of this message
> assumes we're talking about actually rewriting plot lines -- sorry if
> that is not what was meant.

It seems to me, based upon the Greeley article, that a rewrite is the
plan. That's what so angers me about this thing. If it were just an
abridgement, I think I could live with that. For instance, if you grab
the abridged LES MISERABLES, you'll miss out on all the terrific nun
stuff in the middle, but you'll still get the story and the words as
presented by Victor Hugo. This, though, doesn't sound like it would be
the same story at all.
> Any of those would certainly alter the story greatly.
> Now, if they changed all that folks object to, that'd be an entire
> rewrite of the book.

It would. It really would. And it would be less believable and
meaningful. I think you're right on with your argument here.

I think that a slightly edited version would not get past the
censors/detractors, so your gutted version is what we'd be talking
about. Horrible thought, and I know it would never happen, not with our
man in Cornish so protective of his work. However, I'd have believed
the same thing of old Clive Lewis, and look what they're planning now.

So. Guess I'm still sitting up here in my ivy tower. In certain
situations, I can understand how abridgement is a good thing. However,
in this case I'd have to shout NO.

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