AD: catcher! /archive / red hat

Subject: AD: catcher! /archive / red hat
From: zazie (
Date: Tue Jul 17 2001 - 08:07:26 GMT

About the archive:
I agree fully with mizz Baader about this, but still ... I've spent a lot
of time in amsterdams bookstores trying to find ANY of the stories, I mean
i can give a blindfolded tour of all 120 bookshops here in town and tell
you by smell which salesperson is present.
So i was quite glad to finally get them, print them, edit them (with the
original "Franny & Zooey" Penguin Bembo Type, mind you :), bind them and
read them.


And if anyone thinks that Dutch Universities or anyone or anything here in
Holland is gonna keep 40 year old copies of ladies' magazines like Harper
Bazaars, you'd better stop to think. Or start to think.

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