Re: Chris and Will on "Talk of the Nation"

Subject: Re: Chris and Will on "Talk of the Nation"
From: Cecilia Baader (
Date: Tue Jul 17 2001 - 13:11:16 GMT

Will wrote:

>NPR has decided to celebrate Catcher's 50th..."Talk of the Nation," a
>live show on NPR has asked me to participate and tells me the show
>tomorrow is at 3pm...I think Chris Kubica will be on it as well.
>Some NPR stations will tape it and play it later so catch whenever
>you can it if this publicity stuff isn't too "rye"...also, if anyone
>is able to make a tape of it for me I'd appreciate that...anyhow, you
>can bet I'll mention our list on the show with love and no squalor!

Kudos to you both. Talk of the Nation is a show that I listen to all
the time. It is a fine show indeed, and an honor.

In Chicago, it airs at 1:00 pm on NPR (91.5 WBEZ). However, when I
visited the NPR website and checked out the Talk of
the Nation Link, they state that audio for the shows is usually
available in Real Audio after 6pm daily.

So perhaps those folks who aren't gifted with a terrific NPR station in
their area can listen as well.

Best, best, best of luck.

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