FWD: RE: ivory tower Digression of sorts . . .

Subject: FWD: RE: ivory tower Digression of sorts . . .
From: lray (lray@centenary.edu)
Date: Thu Jul 19 2001 - 04:38:14 GMT

>===== Original Message From bananafish@roughdraft.org =====
The president of the US may reflect on all of us Americans, however simply
becasue Dubya is our president does not mean that we or I like him. You have
to remember that he barely won the election and to some he actually lost. Go
ahead and bash George Jr., I'll even join in until the FBI knocks on my door
but he is an image and not much else. You deliver rather low blows to an
entire country and ALL of its people based on what? I am well aware of the
many problems the US has but so do many countries. A greater understanding of
the problematic politcal spectrum in the US is maybe required to understand
that yes he is our president but he may not be worth a damn. You say you
wonder whether "Americans are dumb." Well, maybe the ones you have met and
Dubya is definitely not the shining example of American intelligence but where
you make you assumptions is beyond my understanding. Yup, they are
assumptions and ya you have probably met some superficial and ignorant and
dumb Americans but I've have met some real jerks from Europe but I don't judge
the whole continent or any one country's people based on those few people. I
don't think all Germans are gung-ho for ethnic cleansing because of the
Holocaust and you shouldn't think that Americans are dumb because of our less
than lots of things president. So to end, as someone on this list told me
before, I really don't care to talk about this anymore or how "inferior"
America is to European snobs like yourself because frankly I and most
Americans have heard it before and I really don't give a damn. "outright
stupidity on average" says Zazie - thats funny, it really is, you show your
own judgemental self so wonderfully, maybe you should look in the mirror =)

to the rest of the banafishers, i apologize for this rude email but i am tired
of hearing about Europe v. the USA, no one is perfect and hopefully my future
posts will be on much less controversial subjects and much nicer indeed. =)

>===== Original Message From "zazie" <zazie@raketnet.nl> =====
>Well, it's just that George Bush has been doing so many stupid egotistical
>things lately, it kind of reflects on all of you.
>And really, if there is ANYWHERE in America serious thought that relative
>simple books like C.S. Lewis Narnia books are so "difficult" that anyone
>who reads them is "in an ivory tower" yes, then I'm really wondering and
>scared whether in general Americans are dumb. Ignorant, we knew that, with
>a president who thinks that Belgium is the capital of Europe, what else can
>we think? But outright stupidity on average, hmmm.
>All those nukes with such dumb people ... somebody should write a novel
>about that.
> Please don't visit my crappy homepage
>--------------------Origineel bericht--------------------
>I am an American and the thought of editing a classic work and changing it
>from its original form apalls me. It is true that the desire for the
>is all too present in American society and maybe this form of censorship
>only happen in the U.S. However, genaralizing about the intelligence of
>America and its people is rather uncalled for I think especially given the
>people on this list.
>A prideful young American who still thinks there is reason to be so,
>>===== Original Message From "zazie" <zazie@raketnet.nl> =====
>>>It's an honest question: edit out what is considered "offensive" so that
>>>more people have the opportunity to be exposed or sit up in your ivory
>>>tower with said book intact and listen to more generations of uninformed
>>>people try to tell you what the book is about?
>>Is this because you live in America that talk of censoring is so easy?
>>Wow, real wow, this is quite shocking! I'm not a christian anymore (i'm an
>>atheist, but non-practising) but to take out religious parts of a book just
>>to sell more books!?!?!
>>Only in America, i think.
>>A German writer (I think it was Bertold Brecht) once said about this, that
>>the burning of books is the equivalent of burning people. This principle
>>applies in part in this case, i think.
>>On the thing about bigger audience vs. integrity, I fully agree with
>>the argument that it wouldn't do any good. And that 'ivory tower'
>>is not so high, in the case of CITR and Salnger, or the average
>>American must be even more stupid than I thought. Please say it isn't so.
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