Subject: Re: Daumier-Smith and Empathy
From: Valérie Aron (
Date: Fri Jul 20 2001 - 17:25:33 GMT
You, Paul and Mattis, are lucky! Only nice people
waved or smiled to you. This is the privilege of men,
I guess. Unhappily, I met only strange guys who try to
pet me or offer indecent proposal (without the money
of Robert Redford). This was underlying my first
sordid story: I was 13, reading "Lolita" in the subway
and that 60 year-old-frustrated-guy came to me. A kind
of curse...
--- Paul Miller <> wrote:
> Suddenly, she broke into what appeared to be
> a smile, and waved. Remember, this is New York.
> I waved back. That's it.
> No nuns. However, I did decide to sit down and
> write to the bananafish.
> have a nice weekend,
> Mattis
> .............................................
> Rare perfect little moments, makes one glad to rise
> in the morning, unless
> it's Monday.
> About six weeks ago while browsing my local large
> chain bookseller a baby
> resting on a man's shoulder looked at me as if he
> knew me. He had large
> un-aerodynamic ears, blue BLUE eyes, and a wide grin
> that said where have
> you been keeping yourself. A broad smile siezed
> control over all my face to
> the point that an onlooker might think: who let the
> village idiot in here or
> quick someone call the authorities a lunatic is
> loose in the large chain
> bookseller.
> Paul Miller
> -
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