Subject: Re: Burns, coming through the rye
From: Will Hochman (
Date: Sat Jul 21 2001 - 09:25:15 GMT
My understanding is that the song and poem are different...the poem
was posted here and nicely adapted/translated by Scottie, but it
isn't the poem was adapted as a song and I think the song left the
poem long before cathcer...holden hears the boy sing it...and phoebe
corrects and so it's not Salinger...I'd have to go listen to make
sure that was my mistake and I can already imagine Jerry wincing at
that one...but at least I did send follow up to Juan Williams
explaining the point (thanks again to the bananafish who helped!) will
-- Will Hochman Assistant Professor of English Southern Connecticut State University 501 Crescent St, New Haven, CT 06515 203 392 5024
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