Subject: AWAD and Laughing Man
From: Amber Raley (
Date: Mon Jul 23 2001 - 08:27:58 GMT
I remember from a while back that there were others here subscribed to A
Word A Day (AWADmail archives are available at In the weekend edition one AWAD
subscriber made the below comment:
*From: Carol Bauer (
*Subject: Judging a book by its cover
*With respect to your word for today and judging a book by its cover, I
*want to call your attention to a little known work by Victor Hugo *called
"The Man Who Laughs" (L'homme qui rit). It deals with a man who *was born
with a facial deformity that makes him look as though he is *always
laughing. Since laughter is inappropriate in many social *situations the man
was castigated and shunned by many even though he was *a good soul.
I don't recall anyone here mentioning this in connection with "The Laughing
Man." Does anyone believe this may have influenced Salinger's writing, or
have we already discovered more than enough alternate sources?
Re: the recent discussion on what will happen after Salinger's death
I refer you to my letter to the man. I would also like to comment that
along with my biological father, Salinger has taken up a tremendous amount
of my life and brain space. It is amazing the presence of these two men,
neither of which I have so much as glimpsed.
I could live in hope,
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