Subject: RE: pipe the admiral on board
Date: Tue Jul 24 2001 - 06:34:13 GMT
wow i knew you were old but not that old!
And while we’re on the subject, Val, that’s a pretty rotten &
generalised judgement you've just passed on the male sex. Because
I stagger along gripping the cane with my knobbly hand &
peer at you through a pair of rheumy eyes, am I to be dismissed
at once as a member of the dirty raincoat brigade?
Did it never occur to you that ancient joshers like Matthew
& me might be smiling simply with delight at the sight of
a glossy curl bouncing against a pretty face & the memory
of former happinesses?
I often suspected that this was, so, scot, so g.... d... but i have to agree with you here.
But to us, often, it doesn't FEEL as innocent as it might be, don't forget ...
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