June 2001 archive

Subject: June 2001 archive
From: Tim O'Connor (tim@roughdraft.org)
Date: Tue Jul 24 2001 - 09:33:08 GMT

So sorry for the inexcusable delay, but the June 2001 archive is in
place (this has been a busy month for me, and what should have been
done weeks ago is only getting done now), and the keyword index is
rebuilding now. It should be done in about 45 minutes.

We had just a bit over 180 messages last month. For people who feel
that the list inundates them with mail, I would point out that it
works out to a fraction over three messages a day, which isn't much of
a torrent at all.

Another interesting factoid is that after the NPR radio broadcast,
subscribership spiked a bit, so we have more listeners than before.
To those new people, please accept my gentle nudge to introduce
yourself or post about some aspect of JDS's work that interests
you. You don't need to be a hardcore scholar to contribute, and, in
fact, some of the more memorable posts here have come from people who
would not likely identify themselves as scholars at all, but as good
amateur readers who love Salinger's work.

I hope that the atmosphere here remains one that invites your
comments and does not intimidate you from speaking up. If you feel
that such is not the case, either speak out about it or contact me
privately about your concerns. (Note that when you do a "reply," the
default is to send it to the entire list, so if you want to contact me
privately, double-check the address on the outgoing mail before you
send it.)

Cheers, and enjoy the archive....


* Unsubscribing? Mail majordomo@roughdraft.org with the message

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