Subject: Re: Daumier-Smith and Empathy
From: Paul Miller (
Date: Wed Jul 25 2001 - 08:08:05 GMT
I think it's a little sad that I have to defend a review of a Salinger story
posted to a Salinger discussion list. Talk about anything just don't express
any opinions about Salinger or his work work I guess. I have extracted four
quotes from my post one stating this was a review written for another site,
two "I thinks", and one stating we are never told just what the experience
is so ergo my speculation.
Below in a
review written for another site I explain further.
I think he is
saying this and more.
I think
Daumier-Smith had an experience of direct seeing of the reality of other
selves, their situations and feelings, an empathic moment.
We are never told exactly what he experiences ,except his
vision of the sun hurtling towards the bridge of his nose.
I know defending myself is probably the wrong thing to do here, but I really
felt my review was being misconstrued.
Paul Miller
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