Subject: RE: international reading habits
Date: Wed Jul 25 2001 - 03:27:53 GMT
> > I'm also curious...are you in France? Do they not
> > read Salinger there?
> >
> > will
> >
> > PS: That's an innocent q--I just want to know.
> Valerie:
> I know it's an innocent question... what else could
> it be? you 're looking for an address for a stay in
> France?
I guess Will thought that people would think he was
a net pervert if he asked that question. I think it's sad that people
feel they have to defend these kind of questions like 'where do come from?'
Isn't it the first question one askes when one meets new people?
Can somebody please tell me what's going on? Does anybody on this
list have actual experience with netperverts? (even if you are one
yourself ...? ;-)
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