Subject: RE: Daumier-Smith and Empathy
Date: Thu Jul 26 2001 - 04:35:34 GMT
-----Original Message-----
>>From:"" <> on behalf of
>>"Andy Norris" <>
>>This is a pretty frequently-discussed topic. The teaching assistant who
>>attempts to justify their position by bringing out every pebble of
>>potential meaning they've ever heard v. the student that says, "anything is
I never said that!
>>As much as
>>Zazie doesn't like the voice of the pedantic scholar asserting meaning
>>where it may or may not exist, I dislike the voice of the precocious
>>student who says there's no meaning. I used to be that student, and I
>>recognize in that petulant, immature voice (that used to be mine) a smug
>>laziness. A sense of superiority.
But isn't this YOUR petulantism (or whatever the noun is) creeping into the discussion here?
Appreciating your openness
>>And I think that's pretty close to the bottom line of the answer to the
>>question, "What is art?" Art is a diversion.
A diversion? That is certainly a very light approach ...
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