Re: Have a look at this!

Subject: Re: Have a look at this!
From: Chris Kubica @Home (@Home)
Date: Thu Jul 26 2001 - 14:53:58 GMT

I'll look into this for the list.


"Come on, it's Czechoslovakia, it's like going into Wisconsin."
"Yeah, but I got the shit kicked out of me in Wisconsin."

>From the movie _Stripes_ with Bill Murray and Harold Ramis (both Chicagoans
who, as a former 5-year Chicago resident, notoriously dislike, at least
publicly, Wisconsinites)

Why am I telling you this? I spent my first 18 years in Wisconsin!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tim O'Connor" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 12:14 PM
Subject: Re: Have a look at this!

> >See if anything grabs you on THIS page:
> >
> >
> >
> >!!!
> "!!!" indeed. I know that JDS rented a place in Connecticut during
> much of the time he was composing Catcher -- that is, REALLY
> composing on paper what would become the final book (because as we
> know, he spent about 10 years composing it in his head and in bits
> and pieces that turned into stories) -- and that he rented what was
> described (in Hamilton's book, I think) as a room on Third Avenue
> where he was said to have worked in a dead heat for about three weeks
> finishing it up and avoiding people and distractions. This is the
> first time I've heard anything of him setting foot in WISCONSIN, of
> all places.
> Some who know me will tell you that I have nothing against Wisconsin,
> which has some marvelous people living in it, but has anyone else
> read in any of the biographical material that exists about JDS
> spending time in that state to work on Catcher? I don't know ...
> there's something in there that just sounds highly suspect.
> But that may purely be my East Coast bias showing.
> Thanks for the pointer. Before I saw the Wisconsin address at
> bottom, I thought it was the place in Connecticut, and I had begun
> secretly hatching a plot to visit there. Now, of course, it's rather
> out of the question because it's a bit far for a weekend jaunt, but
> still, it's nice to know about it. It would be even better to hear
> from someone who can speak of it authoritatively to know whether JDS
> really did spend time there to work on the novel.
> --tim
> --
> -
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