RE: Have a look at this!

Subject: RE: Have a look at this!
From: Will Hochman (
Date: Fri Jul 27 2001 - 04:12:32 GMT

I spent time in Palmyra, Wisconsin as a guest at my brother's lake
house. I will admit that I lack a huge fondness for the midwest but
I don't think I've ever been to a better fish fry than the one the
town has every Friday...and I also think that the Internet is making
it less possible for regional disliking and that's a good
thing...almost as fine as all you can eat fish! (Is that a bananafish
joke or what?;)will

PS: I've visited Chicago quite a bit and think it's cooler than most
New Yawkas ever can...but I worry (because of a wonderful story by WP
Kinsella in The Thrill of the Grass )that if the Cubs win the world
as we know will end!

Will Hochman
Assistant Professor of English
Southern Connecticut State University
501 Crescent St, New Haven, CT 06515
203 392 5024

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