Subject: what is art? what is anything? what the hell am I doing here?
From: Jive Monkey (
Date: Fri Jul 27 2001 - 14:47:12 GMT
I've been having an uncharacteristically off-list discussion with Andy
Norris about this "what is art" business, and he mentioned how much the list
went "off-topic," and it occurred to me to question just what exactly the
topic is (humor me, I think I see the point coming), or, more precisely, if
it was possible to go "off-topic" at all. What I hope I mean is, all
Salinger ever wrote about, all anyone ever writes about, is LIFE.
Everything we do or don't do, the good, the bad, the ugly, George Bush,
taxes, this summers fashions, Burger King, Vietnam, yadi yada yada. That
stuff about the beavers, that was me writing "fuck you" on the wall. If it
wasn't for Salinger, this list wouldn't exist, and we wouldn't ever have had
any of these discussions. art is life. That's why those god-damned
sweet-n-low packets are art, because my dad used to put sweet-n-low in his
coffee, and if I ever saw a pile of sweet-n-low packets, I'd think of my
dad, and that's art. There's way more inside Salinger's stories then just
what he wrote. There's way more inside anyone's stories than just what was
written, and I don't think that anyone could ever talk about all of it, or
even start to.
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