Fwd: Watermark Question

Subject: Fwd: Watermark Question
From: Rob Riss (sdrelist@hotmail.com)
Date: Mon Jul 30 2001 - 10:57:46 GMT

Yo fish,

I got this email the other day and was completely lost; I've never heard of
a watermark in any edition of catcher in the rye. I've emailed the person
for more information, but until that comes, is there anyone out there who
has heard of this?



I have a Salinger-related question which I suppose you've probably answered
in some FAQ or forum. Although I haven't spent nearly enough time nosing
around those resources, I thought I might just drop you a line to get this
cleared up quickly. In my standard edition of "Catcher in the Rye", or
rather, in the edition I've since stolen from my girlfriend, there is a
watermarked final sentece on one of the last 'blank' pages in the book.
Either you've heard about this several thousand times or perhaps it's
something really weird. In the case of the former, do you know why this is
included only in certain editions? Are there any prominent theories as to
why Salinger partially refutes Holden's conclusions in this 'hidden' final
sentence? If the latter is true, which I highly doubt, I'd be glad to
discuss it with someone. I appreciate your help with this and wish you the
best with the website...it's a splendid resource.


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