Re: BANANAFISH digest 25

Tue, 01 Jul 1997 13:19:26 -0500

re: the IRA issue . . . i just finished reading _Memoirs of a Revolutionary by 
(i hope i spell this right) Sean McStiofain.  it was fairly well written and 
quite educational.  i'm sure the facts are a little slanted, but then they 
always are.--matt

On Tue, 01 Jul 1997 09:08:27 +0200 wrote:

>Hi Susan,
>Responding to your comment on the movie: The Devil's Own, I can imagine it
>got bad reviews over in Ireland. I saw it in Holland, (I'm actually
>Scottish, but have lived here for most of my life), and although the film
>was okay, the fact that it was so pro IRA didn't sit well with me at all
>throughout the whole film. Just take a look at the casting: the cold-blooded
>Englishman that tracks Brad Pitt down in order to murder him, that fact was
>leaned on very heavily: the cold-bloodedness of the English, while all the
>killing IRA man Brad Pitt does is condoned because his father was killed by
>British soldiers when he was young. But condoning thinking like that would
>cause the whole world population to die within a month: if somebody harms
>you or your friends/family: kill them.
>I don't really want to go into the whole IRA issue, as complex as it is. But
>the fact remains that the film makers of The Devil's Own were very
>sympathetic towards the IRA, and they tried to manipulate the people
>watching the film with their views. For that reason, I couldn't enjoy it.
>As for women not being able to appreciate Holden's feelings in TCITR, I
>think enough has been said about it being total nonsense and the example
>about Anne Frank's diary said it all really. Just wanted to mention it, as
>it really annoyed me.