Re: BANANAFISH digest 26

i'm helena and you're not (
Tue, 01 Jul 1997 22:03:19 +0100

> I'm not suggesting
> that the book would survive the transition to the screen (though I've often
> wondered how many people out there have, at some point in their lives, sat
> down and written what they thought of as a faithful "Catcher" screenplay).

a group of my friends are in a theatre group and did an adaptation of
catcher last summer. i refused to go and see it, i think i offended a
few people, and i don't think i'd watch a film version either. you know
how when someone dies, it's horrible to see them all dead and waxy in a
funeral home, you just want to remember them as they were. that's how i
feel about catcher. i have my own way of visualising it, and i'd
probably only be annoyed by someone else's 'dramatisation' or 'based on
the novel by' movie.

hey malcs, i enjoyed the tom robbins article.

as regards devil's own, i haven't seen it, and will not be going to see
it. to try and make a hollywood movie out of the ira is, as brad pitt
says, 'irresponsible'. so they won't be getting my three quid.

and about holden being a male only icon, i'm genuinely surprised at how
politically correct you lot are. i mean there's not A SINGLE ONE of you
who thinks a girl can't fully appreciate holden's standpoint? wow!


I think that doctors should only ask
'And how are we this morning?'
when they are addressing the occupants
of a double bed.
                - Pat Ingoldsby