Re: whatever it was. how the hell am I supposed to remmeber these

Brian Fenton (
Wed, 02 Jul 1997 19:11:34 +0100 (WET DST)

John Paul wrote:

>About this whole U2 thing, I think you should go buy a Pearl Jam album
>because I don't think they have sold out too much and also they are more
>subtle in their social commentary. But that is just an e-mail opinion.

	erm (great word that: "erm" - you know something really smarmy is
coming up. in fact what comes next is usually a letdown. you can't really
compete with the likes of "erm"),.... shouldn't people buy music because
they want to hear songs - you know, melody and rhythm and all that malarkey?
I personally buy the Sunday papers for social commentary. If it's music
you want then check out the VENEER homepage (below)! Easily the best new
band in Ireland.

Veneer - the new U2! (or Pearl Jam)

VENEER homepage:
"it's like telling Knock-knock jokes to a Bedouin.." - Michael Mee