Re: Salinger again
Thu, 03 Jul 1997 20:52:47 -0400 (EDT)

In a message dated 7/3/97 10:48:52 PM, wrote:

> For all of those who doubt my authenticity I am really sorry. The fact that
>I have decided to use the "information superhighway" is just to reach to my
>most ardent fans in the most efficient way possible. For the record the name
>of one short story I have completed recently is "My Boyhood Dreams" and
>hopefully I will make up my mind whether or not to publish it openly. I
>really want to just make it avaible to those on this list but yet I am
>there are too many other true readers who would be left out.
>Your Friend and Soulmate

Since I happen to also be on AOL, I just thought I'd check out this moron's
"Member Profile".  Even if JD Salinger were to use AOL, I'm certain he
wouldn't even fill out one of these things in the first place... but here it

Member Name:	Casey
Location:	Kentucky
Marital Status:	Single
Hobbies:	Politics and Foreign Affairs
Computers:	Trinity
Occupation:	High School
Personal Quote:	"Extremism in the pursuit of justice is no vice, Moderation
in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."   Barry Goldwater

The End

-David Alan