Re: Salinger again

Marco Sardillo (
Sat, 05 Jul 1997 10:41:42 +0800

At 06:42 PM 7/3/97 -0400, you wrote:
> For all of those who doubt my authenticity I am really sorry. The fact that
>I have decided to use the "information superhighway" is just to reach to my
>most ardent fans in the most efficient way possible. For the record the name
>of one short story I have completed recently is "My Boyhood Dreams" and
>hopefully I will make up my mind whether or not to publish it openly. I
>really want to just make it avaible to those on this list but yet I am afraid
>there are too many other true readers who would be left out.
>Your Friend and Soulmate

You know, I would love to believe that you really are Jerome David
Salinger.  But I simply cannot.  So far, you haven't shown any convincing
proof that you are, indeed, the great writer that you claim to be.  All
you've given us is a bunch of e-mails with spelling errors.  A lot of
people on the mailing list take this very seriously.  I, for one, am really
very serious about this.  As a matter of fact, the only "gift" that I would
like to receive from my parents is a trip to J.D. Salinger's house.  That's
the only reason why I would like to have a passport and a visa.  Please, do
not toy around with people and their emotions.  You have no right to do
this and you have no right to be on the list if you're going to make a
mockery of it all by insisting that you are J.D. Salinger (without showing
us any reasonable proof).

It's been a verrrrrrry long time since I sent something on the list but I
just felt that I had to, this time.

Respectfully yours,

Marco Sardillo