I myself am ecstatically thrilled to welcome *the* J.D. Salinger to the bananafish list. In fact, I'm not quite sure why some of you are so intent on maligning the man to whom we have devoted a mailing list and countless hours of discussion. Imagine th e insights to be gained from the man who actually wrote "Franny and Zooey." In the months that have passed since I've joined this list, I've had to wade through the intellectual droppings of far too many Salinger "wanna-be's." J.D. will be a welcome and refreshing change. CHamil8716, Mr. Salinger - I love you, man. J.D. (or Jerry, as I have read he was/is called by friends)uses AOL, so what? He is living in Kentucky, so what? In all honesty, some of you guys are taking this way too seriously. I embrace the opportunity to read a few posts that don't reek of intellectual pretension. I got in trouble a few weeks ago for mentioning to someone how J.D. wouldn't like something or other, and here I go again. Do you honestly think that J.D. himself would get his panties in such a bunch over this? My guess is that he'd think this is pretty funny, and that he'd be more interested in the guy who tried to have a little fun with his fa ns than the guy who has to deride somebody because of a few typos. I'd better check this post now for any spelling errors of mine own - I'd hate to see my thoughts negated because I accidentally put an "i" before an "e." I don't mean to start a bout of nasty e-mails. I just happen to enjoy irreverence, like a good deal of Salinger characters and most likely J.D. himself. Laugh, guys. Anyone who subscribes to this list probably hasn't crusaded to ban CITR from libraries .