James Dean Salinger & other miscellany

Emily Moore (evmoore@hotmail.com)
Wed, 02 Jul 1997 21:20:37 -0700 (PDT)

So much struck me in the last entire digest, and so much of it seemed so 
closely related...

Don't feel bad about reaching JDS at this time in your life...high 
school gave me a certain perspective on CITR that I think I'll be likely 
to retain, whereas you'll have a more mature view.  Holden is my idol.  
You have a chance to see him more objectively, something I sometimes 
wish I could do.  Please don't regret that--you don't have to be a 
teenager to appreciate a novel about a teenager.  Think of the article 
by Tom Robbins, about reaching back to another period...  Maybe we get 
JDS when we need him.  Like in the goodbye note--it's possible it's a 
good thing you didn't focus on understanding humankind  in high school 
(like Seymour) because later you would have so little.  If Seymour had 
had Holden at his approach of young adulthood would it have helped him?
Does any of this make sense to anyone or am I just imagining 

Anyways, here's the miscellany.
1. Tom Robbins is very neat but does anyone else find that his tone of 
constant snide amusement at everything gets in the way of deep 
2. Nanda--if you like _On the Road_ try a collection of consecutive 
short stories (Kerouac too)-_Lonesome Traveler._ One of my favorites and 
I love K. with a passion.  Also you could try to find some Lawrence 
Ferlinghetti if you're into poetry--he's much more accessible than 
Ginsberg and Kerouac, who actually does really nice poetry too.  It 
absolutely kills me that Burroughs is the one who was on the most drugs, 
and is just about the longest-surviving one too...morphine as health 
food, anyone?
3. Did the cousin who thought Seymour's comment about "mixing memory and 
desire" proved he was a pedophile ever consider that it may not be 
possible to take everything he says literally?  It always sounded like 
he was talking more to himself, just saying something crazy and a little 
4. I wads lucky to encounter some of my favorite authors in school in 
"forced reading"-JDS, Faulkner, Joyce, Harper Lee, Hector Hugh Munro 
(master of the short story if ever there was one), Beckett, it goes on 
and on.  And it's not as if my English teachers haven't been evil old 
harpies either...
5. If most any of the current bunch of young American actors were cast 
as Holden I would vomit.  I don't know if they could do him justice but 
I rather like Johnny Depp and Ewan Mcgregor (despite him being Mr. 
Flavor of the Month.)
                                 keep passing the open windows,

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