Dear bananafishers, My natural and ingrained introversion, coupled with the fact that there are so many damned people on the internet that someone *always* says what I was going to say, has kept me silent. I did not even write a hello message when I joined the list! But I read all the posts with great interest and feeling. What forces me to delurk (it sounds like some great USS Federation starship emerging from the effects of the cloaking device) is today's contratemps regarding "Truth be Told" and "I win". The internet can be a rude place, but many of this list's members have responded to extreme provocation with good grace, good manners and a most charitable attitude. I salute each and every even-handed bananafisher; I admire you all, with the exception of Will, or "will", whom I passionately love, albeit chastely and from afar :) . Jude