Re: I want off!

Wed, 09 Jul 1997 10:09:59 -0600 (MDT)

jessica, I'm pretty sure you can send email ot with
the command set digest bananafish to receive our ramblings in one email
"digest," but tim o'connor, our list guru would probably give you
instruction more suitable to his software if this dosn't work...will

On Tue, 8 Jul 1997, Jessica and Michele Cook wrote:

> I truely enjoy your list but I can't stand checking my messages to find I
> hace 89 or even 104 messages!!!  Most of these messages have nothing to do
> with me and so I was wondering if I can still be part of the list but not
> receive all the mail.   If it is possible, go a head and do it or mail me
> at:
> 					Thanks,
> 						Jessica Dryden-Cook.