Re: Books into Movies

Josh Feldmeth (
Wed, 09 Jul 1997 14:30:24 -0700

James P. Dunn wrote:

> only character who was cast pretty well was Mia Farrow as Jordan Baker. If they broke even at all, it was
> because of her.

That's funny, we totally agree and disagree.  The movie was a disgrace. 
But for me, so was Mia.  The only character that made it happen for me 
was Bobby Redford.  Its almost as if some Hollywood types, still 
self-agrandized and over-confident from the days when Fitzgerald and 
Faulkner roamed the hills, got in a room one day and concluded that 
since the Gatby's suit (probably a 42 long) fit Redford, damn the 
particulars - role the film

> Also check out the first production of "Romeo and Juliet," not the more recent one but the one made years ago

Here we go again.  The thought the recent iteration was outstanding 
enough so that motivate an immediate re-read.

I would have to disagree with the person who said the Grisham movies 
were good- I thought they
> were lousy and confusing compared to the books.
> Right - I think both the books and movies are lousy.  I wish Grissom 
would admit that he is pure cheese.  Than I could respect and enjoy it. 
But this guy thinks he's the third member of the Faulkner-Penn 
Warren-Grissom triumverate.

Only my take,
