> anybody know where to get the way of the pilgrim? ~randy Randy, The copy I have was published in 1965 by Seabury Press (in NYC, I think), translated by R.M.French. But I don't know if it's still in print. The official title of it is: _The Way of a Pilgrim and The Pilgrim Continues His Way_. There's also a newer translation, by Helen Bacovin, published by Image Books (Garden City, NY, 1978), but there's no guarantee that that's still in print either. The one sure place you could find a copy of the book would be in any bookstore associated with a Greek or Russian Orthodox church or seminary. That's where I got the book. Believe it or not, I read the Way of a Pilgrim long before I ever knew _Franny and Zooey_ existed. That's what you get for being raised Greek Orthodox! - Rebecca