>And us unwashed masses will wonder - what-in-hell was THAT all about! # ;<} > (<---note the furrowed brow!) >I really appreciate what you are doing and am also getting education(ed) re >JDS - which was the purpose - >Now I'm off to archives to choose. . . ("off" ??) (already a poor >choice - of word(s) - but what else to say? see what - now you've GOT ME >STARTED!) sighhhh!!! e/b Just a flimsy joke that refers to Salinger's willingness to take action against anyone who infringes on his copyrights, and a playful reference to a nice passage in Seymour: An Introduction. Very full of self-reference; I should punish myself by arranging a dinner date with old Ackley. Seriously -- if you haven't read Seymour: An Introduction, you should grab a copy of the paperback and read it cover to cover, starting with the opening story. It is unforgettable. --tim