> This is off the subject, so I apologize, but I wanted to know how many > people are Literature students, writing students, etc. > > I am not. I was wondering what the stats were on this type of thing. We don't keep stats of any kind about subscribers; I guess people will need to reply to you privately if they choose to. > I hope I have not joined a discussion group predominately made up of > English students; I don't want to set myself up to sound silly on the > subject of Salinger. (ooh, bad alliteration going on there). > > IS this discussion group open to ALL of Salinger enthusiasts? Are some > people encouraged more to participate than others? Am I implying > something, I am not certain yet. I will let you know later. It's definitely open to all enthusiasts; the welcome message tries hard to make that clear. Some of us are writers, some of us are teachers, some are philosophers, and most of us are likely to be serious readers. But please be assured: this is not a group that is designed to be exclusive. In fact, I can't help wondering what directions urban planning would take if more planners were Salinger enthusiasts. (I guess, at a minimum, that our cities would have more ashtrays and carousels and Lavender Rooms.) So, please join in. I'm sure that anyone who has gone to the trouble of asking about things as you have done would have no chance of sounding silly talking about Salinger's work! --tim o'connor