Re: Zooey v/s Joey

David Alan (
Thu, 24 Jul 1997 13:53:22 -0700 (PDT)

>But then, the way we pronounce Zoo-ey here also rhymes with Joey.
>Are we arguing over the Z-sound v/s J-sound or over o-sound (pot) v/s
>oo-sound (put)?
>My Zooey has a Z and an oo-sound.
>Still rhymes with the way I'd pronounce Joey.
>Feeling very phonetically challenged suddenly,

I don't think anyone was saying that the "Z" was pronounced like a 
"J"... were they?
When I first saw the book I automatically thought the name was 
pronounced like "Go - Pee", but as soon as my brain actually took the 
time to register that there were two "o"s, I thought it must be 
pronounced like "Blue - Key". I really like the first pronunciation 
better but I suspect that the second one is right.  Besides, isn't 
"Zoey" like Go - Pee a girl's name?

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