Re: Not wasteland, but a great inverted forest with al

Sun, 27 Jul 1997 20:53:19 -0500

just my two sense on the inverted forest--

i don't think ray was getting back to the poetry of his life by succumbing to 
the "brain".  he was slipping back into the hole that poetry had lifted him out 
of.  but that's not to say that his life with corrinne was the right life for 
him either.  i think jds was writing a story to show us how poetry can raise you 
to a higher level of living, but that poetry is a commitment of body and soul 
that cannot be bounded and infringed upon.  both corrinne and bunny cramped the 
poetry out of ray's life, and i think this is what jd was trying to show us.  
both highbrow, literary life, and lower class slovenliness can ruin poetry.
