List of Salinger Stories

Scott Sperry (SSperry@PINNCORP.COM)
Thu, 31 Jul 1997 10:17:41 -0500

TO: Tim (

The Bananafish web site that sponsors this mailing list has the most
comprehensive list of JDS short stories published outside of the Nine
Stories book:

I spent time in my college library with rolls of microfiche finding
stories and making copies -- you need to go to a library with
periodicals (e.g. Saturday Evening Post and Colliers) archived back to
the late 40's and 50's.

If I were a student again and was assigned a paper on Salinger, I'd just
get on this mailing list, ask some questions, and let the answers roll
in.  For example, we just went through several days discussing Seymour's
suicide and some of the analysis was excellent -- college English class

Happy searching,