some lively convo, eh? >>Scottie: "With the exception of the quaintly outdated e e cummings, I know of no self-respecting American writer of fiction, non-fiction or journalism who, wishing to be read & not just mistaken for wee-wee, twinkle-toes, ickle boots, lovable tweety me, foregoes the decent use of punctuation, capitalisation & basic grammar." >First, let me take this opportunity to bring the delightful and entertaining >phrase "ickle boots" back onto the stage for an encore performance. must admit, it WAS smashing. >Second, I take for granted that you're no fan of bell hooks. Me, or Scottie? I love the woman. Think she's a goddess (intentional lower case). I'm reading some of her stuff right now that sets me to cackling on a regular basis. Not because I find it comic, but rather in a "you go go, girl!" kind of way. I'm reading two of her books at the moment, Ain't I A Woman and From Margin to Center - unfortunately I have finished neither because I am afflicted with the habit of reading several books at a time, which not only makes it difficult to finish any of them quickly, but also plays into my other habit of losing everything. I just uncovered From Margin to Center yesterday, so hopefully I'll keep track of it this time. Ain't I A Woman is still hidden somewhere. Elizabeth