Re: Infinite Jest, Laughing Man and Too Much Joy. . .

Subject: Re: Infinite Jest, Laughing Man and Too Much Joy. . .
From: Steve Gallagher (
Date: Tue Jun 17 1997 - 12:59:32 GMT wrote:

> On another topic, I would like to hear anyone's thoughts on something
> from "The Laughing Man." What did you make of the Chief's relationship
> with his girlfriend (I can't remember her name and I don't have the book
> around. . . )? I haven't read the story in a while but I don't think I
> ever quite *got* what happened with them? Did they just split up or was
> there something more to it that I completely missed. . . ?

Maybe I'm wrong, but I always assumed pregnancy. But now I'm wondering
if Salinger wasn't little heavy-handed in pushing that idea in my head
and, therefore, all the more brilliant for leading me astray? Perhaps
his shot at a _Hills Like White Elephants_ style of story.


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