conspiracy theory

Alex Rumford (
Wed, 02 Jun 1999 16:24:17 +0000 (GMT)

very helpful indeed, i might just watch it. although i dislike 
mel gibbon.
 NOW then- im about to go round europe for a month and then 
work in some crap factory all summer to pay for my bills, books and 
beer money. so, im temporarily unsubscribing and will have to miss 
your discussions. 
	what i was wondering is, assuming most of you have 
similar literary tastes (which you seem to) to me and each other, 
could you just note the title and author of no more than 2 books each 
for me before i go? basically im going to have a HELL/ (heaven?) of a 
lot of free time when im working and no social life (as long as i can 
get a night shift)- so i want to plough through some books and make 
my time worthwhile, but i dont really know what to read. Your 
favourite/ recommended/ most interesting/ current books please....?
many thanks
reqading time