Jim wrote: "The original [Star Wars] movies weren't all that great artistically to begin with. They're melodrama and intended for fun." Star Wars and Empire certainly weren't art films, but they were still imaginative, fun movies. I love a good piece of schlock as much as anyone, but The Phantom Menace fails even in that category. Consider the characters from either film. Star Wars/Empire introduces an abundance of interesting, rounded personae: Han Solo, Princess Leah, Darth Vader, Ben Kanobi, R2D2, C3PO, Chewbacca, Yoda, Luke Skywalker. We know these characters. They have recognizable, identifiable, and engaging personalities. Now consider The Phantom Menace: Anakan Skywalker, Young Ben Kanobi, Liam Nielson's character, the Queen of Tatoine, Jar Jar Binks. These characters all seem to have been lobotomized, or, in the case of Jar Jar Binks, they should have been. The only interesting characters are those from the originals: R2D2, C3PO, Yoda. -Sean