Re: balls

Paul Kennedy (
Mon, 01 Mar 1999 10:18:26 -0500 (EST)

It is positively beyond the pale that my second posting in this Sanctuary of
Salingerian Erudition should once again stoop to the cesspool of sport, but
I must confess that Mattis' recent query:
>	Or am I the only one who did a double take the first time this
>	famous name flashed across my bananafish mailbox?

...reminded me of my first reaction when Mr. Bowman's name appeared on my
'puter screen.

I'm only happy that Don Cherry hasn't yet become a bananafish!

And now, to close THIS post in accordance with bananafish by-law 94,
subsection b, "any person posting sports commentary of ANY form must, at the
very least, conclude the post with some Salingerian reference....":

To be honest, rick, I don't really know what baseball team--real, imaginary,
or mythical--JDS would support.  But I DO know what baseball book he
probably burns every year on Opening Day--SHOELESS JOE, by W. P. Kinsella....

(Now if somebody wants to talk about turning good books into bad movies....
Or will that mean I have to make another Salingerian reference?)

