na- sayers

Matt Kozusko (
Fri, 12 Mar 1999 18:29:36 -0500

The offense:  "re: nascient"

The question: 
> > >    Nascient, Matt?  Nascient?

The complication: 
> > a new word that means "knowing how to say NO", or
> > literally NAY SCIENT....
Further ambiguity:
> Oh, I had queasy feelings too, alright, but then I thought Matt was just
> deliberately misspelling "nescient"!
My ignorance betrays me.  I simply, and ingenuously, misspelled the
word "nascent."  The joke was supposed to be on "inchoate," the former
title of the thread.  I commend the responses...  

"Let him who bears my standard
Cast it to the ground
And trample thereupon."  

Matt Kozusko